The Horseman’s Word

It is July of 1865, and in Saratoga Springs, the wealthy racegoers wish, in the words of General Daniel Sickles, who left a leg at Gettysburg, “to let bygones be bygones” and put the war behind them.  Yet, Rose Adair is hard pressed to forget Tamerlane Fallon, the Englishman she last saw being led off to be hanged as a Confederate spy.  When he is pulled from Congress Spring, after apparently having killed a man over a mysterious, smuggled artifact, Rose is forced to sort through conflicting tales of Fenian rebels and the occult Society of the Horseman’s Word, in order to discover the truth about a very real and very dangerous conspiracy that threatens not just the racing season, but the entire future of the country.

Please take a moment to enjoy the Prologue.